Wake Up Slowly

Sleep naked.

Wake in the darkness of your still room and be unsure what time it is.

Lie quietly for a little while before turning on the lamp next to your bed. Find out the time and choose not to go back to sleep.

Retrieve your book from where you left it splayed open on the nightstand yesterday evening.

Read for awhile.

Stir from your nest to drape a robe on your shoulders, but leave it untied and admire the bird’s eye view of your naked form.

Examine your face in the bathroom mirror and notice the ways in which sleeping has changed you.

Take your morning dosage of an elixir of turmeric and other herbs.

Quietly set the coffee pot to working.

Return to the lamp-lit corner of your bed and take up your book again.

Remember the coffee. Go back for it.

Sip your coffee while reading. When you have finished at least half a cup, it’s time to open the curtains and lift the blinds.

Survey your room with it’s flotsam and jetsam of clothes and bags, and a lone curling iron washed up on the floor. Notice how sleepy they look in this grey light.

Bring your attention back to your book.

If you have finished your coffee now, revisit the kitchen to pour another mug.

Layer a cardigan over your open robe.

If you are awake now, I suggest breakfast.

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3 thoughts on “Wake Up Slowly

  1. Harry says:

    Read this once, then came back to read it again. I think it’s the last line that got me. Very direct and sincere. Your writing style is very clean, even if you’re writing about a messy room.

    Good stuff.

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